We finished up this week with so much learning in our classroom and outside in the warm weather!
Thursday, we looked at pictures of elephants painting and then a few of our friends attempted to used "elephant trunks" to paint their own pictures.
Some of our friends had no interest in trying to paint elephant style, so they just used their fingers.
There was a little bit of wind on Thursday, so we took a kite outside to see if we could make it fly. We also took some bubbles out and watched them float on the wind. The children found that it was fun to pop the bubbles that landed on the ground and some found sticks to use to pop them. We explained very carefully that running with the sticks was not the safest choice, and the children did very well walking safely while using the sticks.
On Friday, the children decided they wanted to draw with crayons. They chose their own paper and discussed their drawings with each other and the teachers.
Next week we are excited to start an exploration of the animals and art of Israel in honor of Yom Haazmaut!
Indiana Early Learning Foundations:
ELA1.2: Take turns in a
ELA3.1: Explore drawing, painting, and writing
as a way of communicating
ELA3.2: Draw pictures and
scribble to
generate and
express ideas
SE1.2: Express both
positive and
negative feelings
participating in
APL1.1: Independently
select and use
APL1.2: Use active
exploration to
solve a problem
SC2.1: Use tools to
explore various
earth materials
SC2.2: Observe and
nature, and
SC4.1: Use tools to serve
a purpose or solve
a problem
SC5.1: Use tools to
explore the
CA3.1: Express
preferences for
certain art
CA3.2: Use a variety of
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