Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Primary Colors and Rainbows

 Today we practiced matching the primary colors.  Red, yellow, and blue circles were taped to our bridge.  Friends used their gross motor skills to climb the bridge and then go to the toy shelf and find the correct color.  

E: "Blue goes here!"

J: "Blue!"

In the sensory bin we had pom-poms and water.  The pom-poms were fun to squish and we enjoyed draining them in colanders.

Friends have been really enjoying playing a new sensory game this week.  We have weighted bean bags that are fun to toss over the toy shelfs, either to play catch with a friend or to toss them into a basket.  This has been a great way to help our kiddos self-regulate.

At the train table, today, we practiced counting.  We matched colorful pegs to the number cards and enjoyed doing this from many different places on and around the train table.

At the art table we added colorful stickers to our rainbows.  We took turns with the different colors and told each other what colors we were using.  

E: "Green nose!"

G: "Stickers"

Indiana Early Learning Foundations:
M1.1 Demonstrate strong sense of counting
M1.2 Demonstrate understanding of written numerals
SE2.1 Demonstrate self control
APL1.1 Demonstrate initiative and self-direction
SC1.2 Demonstrate awareness of the physical properties of objects
CA3.1 Demonstrate creative expression through the visual art process

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Color Sorting and Puffy Paint

 Today at our art table we made puffy paint.  We mixed shaving cream, glue and paint together.  Friends were able request which color to make next and help mix the ingredients together.  Once we made the paint, we used to to decorate a rainbow.  

Continuing our rainbow theme at another table, we used Froot Loops to do color sorting on pipe cleaners.  Some of us found the matching pipe cleaner and cereal colors and threaded them on.  Some of us just enjoyed practicing our pincher grasp and threading any color on.  All of us enjoyed how this activity tasted. 

We also enjoyed matching colors using alphabet puzzle pieces.  Mason jars wrapped in corresponding colored paper allowed our children to match the colored letters.  This was a great peer modeling activity, some of our older friends were able to guide us on how to match!

E: "Red is here!"

J: "Red! Red!"

Indiana Early Learning Foundations:

ELA2.1 Demonstrate awareness of the alphabet
M3.1 Demonstrate understanding of classifying
SE4.1 Demonstrate relationship skills
APL3.1 Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence
APL4.1 Demonstrate development of social interactions during play
SC1.2 Demonstrate awareness of the physical properties of objects
SC5.1 Demonstrate scientific curiosity
CA3.2 Demonstrate creative expression through visual art production

Monday, December 13, 2021


 This week we are continuing our color exploration through the lens of rainbows.  In the sensory bin, we played with rainbow dyed tapioca pearls.  These are a taste safe alternative to the popular water beads.  Friends enjoyed squishing them and spooning them into ice cube trays.

At the train table we made rainbows! We took pipe cleaners and stuck them into kinetic sand. Some friends were able to request what color pipe cleaners they wanted.  We practiced taking turns with the colors and kinetic sand.  Everyone enjoyed making "clouds" out of the kinetic sand!

M: "Blue!"

The Light Studio was a winter wonderland today! We enjoyed making ice cities out of mangatiles and looking at different animals and winter scenes on our projection screens!

Indiana Early Learning Foundations:

ELA1.3 Demonstrate ability to engage in conversation
APL1.1 Demonstrate initiative and self-direction
APL3.1 Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence
APL4.1 Demonstrate development of social interactions during play
SC1.2 Demonstrate awareness of the physical properties of objects
SC4.1 Demonstrate engineering design skills

What a Year!

 What a year it has been! The children in Katon started out as "Covid babies."  They had grown up mostly around their families and...