We continued work on our special Pesach projects today!
Then we visited the light studio where the children took apart and rebuilt pyramids, explored a frog pond, and pretended to make matzah.
This week, we will be doing some extra fun things for NAEYC's Week of the Young Child. Today was Music Monday! The children love music time, so we brought out the clapping sticks we made during our exploration of music along with our classroom instruments and had a sing-along. Some of the class' current favorite songs are "Wheels on the Bus," " Where Is Baby Moses?," "ABCs," and "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." We do some alternate verses to that last one:
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile
Please be sure to scream
(The children love to actually scream during this verse)
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Gently to the shore
If you see a lion there
Please be sure to roar
The verse with the lion can also be changed to a "polar bear!"
Indiana Early Learning Foundations:
APL4.1: Engage in parallel
SC3.1: Name
characteristics of
living organisms
SC4.1: Begin to construct
and deconstruct
using readily
available materials
CA1.1: Sing along to
familiar songs
CA3.1: Enjoy repetition of
materials and
CA3.2: Use a variety of
CA4.1:Use objects as
symbols for other
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