We continue to stay busy with our Hanukkah theme! Tuesday we created dreidel sensory jars together. We filled each jar with different liquids and took predictions about how fast or slow we thought the dreidels would move in the jars. One was filled with water beads, one with baby oil, and one with corn syrup.
As part of our snack on Tuesday, we made edible menorahs. We used bananas, pretzels or veggie straws and blueberries to make our menorahs. We also really enjoyed eating them!
Today we painted with shaving cream paint at our art table. We took turns mixing in yellow water colors and plopped it on to our paper. Some friends enjoyed finger painting with the shaving cream, while others chose to use paint brushes or scrapers to engage with the activity. We added died rice to our pages to see if it would stick.
Indiana Early Learning Foundations:
ELA3.1 Demonstrate mechanics of writing
M3.1 Demonstrate understanding of classifying
APL1.2 Demonstrate interest and curiosity as a learner
APL2.1 Demonstrate development of flexible thinking skills during play
SC1.2 Demonstrate awareness of the physical properties of objects
SC5.1 Demonstrate scientific curiosity
CA3.2 Demonstrate creative expression through visual art production
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