Monday and Tuesday of this short week, we introduced an exploration of Hanukkah.
We worked on matching colors by placing pompoms on the colored "flames" of a Hanukkiah.
Monday, we did a fun science experiment and mixed cranberry sauce with corn starch. It made a fun non-Newtonian substance that was crumbly when we tried to pick it up it small pieces, but ran like a liquid when we just let it sit. The children used straws to try to make Hanukkiahs with the substance.
Our sensory bin this week is full of wrapping paper, construction paper, and ribbon. The children have had a great time practicing ripping the paper. This is an important pre-cutting skill that our toddlers are quickly mastering. They have also mastered climbing into and out of the sensory table to expand their play.
Tuesday, we used playdough and straws to make Hanukkiahs. Some of our friends felt like we needed the wooden candles from our provocation table to make it more realistic.
In the Atelier, we used pop beads dipped to mimic spinning dreidels.
Indiana Early Learning Foundations:
ELA 3.1: Experiment with a
variety of writing
tools, materials,
and surfaces
M2.1:Identify that an
object has been
added to a group
M3.1: Identify
similarities and
differences in
SC1.1: Use tools to
explore the
SC1.2: Begin to identify
physical attributes
of objects
SC4.1: Begin to construct
and deconstruct
using readily
available materials
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