Thursday, September 9, 2021

Yom Kippur Sounds

 Today we began our unit on Yom Kippur! Everyone really enjoys the sound of the shofar.  We enjoyed introducing other musical instruments to the classroom. The "boom sticks" are a big hit.  Each one makes a different note when it hits the floor.

We enjoyed painting in a new way today! Musical painting with bells attached to our brushes made interesting songs while we used our easel. 

We played loud and soft games with our kitchen dishes!

Today was our day in the outdoor classroom. We tended to our class garden bed: picking tomatoes, pulling weeds and smelling our parsley!

Indiana Early Learning Foundations 
M3.1:Identify attributes of objects with adult support, APL1.1:Begin to show curiosity/interest in new objects, experiences, and people, APL2.1:Use objects for real or imagined purposes, SC1.2:Use tools to explore the physical environment, SC1.2:Imitate the actions of others as they explore objects, SC3.1:Identify living organisms by name, SC5.1:Demonstrate curiosity, SS1.1:Begin to demonstrate a sense of belonging to a group by engaging in parallel play, SS2.1:Adapt to changes in routine and/or schedule, CA3.1:Use simple art materials, PHG2.1:Try a new action with a familiar object, PHg2.2:Use simple movement skills to participate in active physical play,

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