Toddlers are little engineers! They all want to learn how the world works, so we have started our new exploration of gravity.
In our sensory bin, we engaged with our "bean machine", scooping and pouring into the structure and watching it fall out the bottom. Sometimes our machine gets clogged and our little engineers work together to unclog it. We also enjoy seeing what other things in our classroom might fit in the holes.
Our friends also experimented with friction today. Using car ramps, we added different textures to see how our cars would roll. Some of the ramps went fast, some were bumpy and some made our cars fly right off!
A class favorite recently has been our science jars! Today we made an "anti-gravity jar" using bay oil, colored water and glitter. We enjoyed watching the "bubbles" the oil and water made when we shook up the jar.
The warmer temperatures allowed us to really enjoy some time in the sunshine today!
Indiana Early Learning Foundations:
M4.1 Understanding of spatial relationships
SE1.1 Demonstrate self awareness and confidence
APL1.2 Demonstrate interest and curiosity as a learner
APL2.1 Demonstrate development of flexible thinking skills during play
APL3.1 Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence
SC1.2 Demonstrate awareness of the physical properties of objects
SC4.1 Demonstrate engineering design skills
SC5.1 Demonstrate scientific curiosity
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