This week will will continue our unit on Rosh Hashanah. We enjoyed using white, black, and yellow paint and bubble wrap to create honeycomb paintings. The children enjoyed mixing the paint in different ways and pushing down hard and soft to create different looking honeycombs.
At snack today, we explored different colored apples. We cut the apples in half to find a star inside. Each friend got a slice of green and red apple to try. Everyone really seemed to enjoy their green apple slices. One friend even dipped it in his sunbutter that came in with his snack!
At gym today, we enjoyed using our bodies in new ways. We tried moving our bodies on different riding toys, balancing on balance beams, climbing tumbling mats and bear crawling through hula hoops. A class favorite was the self-propelled "car". Twisting the handlebars back and forth makes the car move forward!
Today was our day in the light studio. We revisited our apple market and explored our shadows while watching real bees gathering pollen from flowers on projector! The children found the real honeycomb sample very interesting. They explored it up close with their eyes and added yellow colored tiles to the honeycomb to see what would happen to the comb!
Indiana Early Learning Foundations:
M3.1 Demonstrate understanding of classifying
M4.1 Understanding of spatial relationships
APL1.1 Demonstrate initiative and self-direction
APL1.2 Demonstrate interest and curiosity as a learner
APL2.1 Demonstrate development of flexible thinking skills during play
APL3.1 Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence
SC1.2 Demonstrate awareness of the physical properties of objects
SC3.1 Demonstrate awareness of life
CA3.1 Demonstrate creative expression through the visual art process
CA3.2 Demonstrate creative expression through visual art production
PHG1.3 Demonstrate development of nutrition awareness
PHG2.2 Demonstrate development of body awareness