It was a rainy day outside, but we kept busy inside continuing to explore transportation!
The children have all been very curious about the salad spinners in the Atelier. Today we brought them into the classroom for an exploration. Each child choose two primary colors that were poured onto a paper plate "wheel" inside the salad spinner. Then we showed them how to make the spinner spin. They got to see what happened when the colors mixed after we removed our wheels from the salad spinner.
Ms. Rose brought in a new tunnel today! The children had a great time exploring the tunnel. Some were a little wary at first but pretty soon they were crawling through the tunnel, rolling balls through, and pushing cars through the tunnel.
As teachers, we are always excited to see our children explore the invitations in new ways. This activity was meant as a lesson in number relations using the book Freight Train by Donald Crews . They did work on telling us what color came next in the train, but also turned it into a toddler obstacle course using the blocks as a stepping stones and incorporating the tunnel.
Our light studio has allowed our Katon littles to continue exploring fall while also exploring some farm vehicles. They were so busy in the studio today!
We got in some gross motor work in the gym this morning. A few of our friends worked on climbing up to the bottom bleacher to take a break. We also had friends encouraging each other to climb up the ramp and slide back down.
Indiana Early Learning Foundations:
ELA1.2: Use gestures and
actions to
ELA2.4: With adult
support, respond
to simple
questions about a
M1.3: Begin to identify
first and last
SE4.1: Engage in parallel
APL1.1: Select desired
object from
several options
APL1.2: Use active
exploration to
solve a problem
APL2.1: Show creativity,
inventiveness, and
flexibility in
approach to play
with adult
APL3.1: Repeat an activity
many times in
order to master it,
even if setbacks
SC1.1: Identify and solve
problems in the
through active
SC4.1: Use complex
motions to play
with simple
SS3.1: Experiment with
materials to
represent objects
in play
CA3.2: Use a variety of
CA3.3: Express likes or
dislikes of certain
colors or patterns
PHG1.2: Respond to adult
direction to
change behavior
in order to avoid
danger or prevent
PHG3.1: Develop gross
motor control for
a range of physical
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